Sunday Mass: 11am, 5pm
Daily Mass: M-F 12:30pm
Confessions: Wed 5pm and by appointment

Catholic Student Association (CSA) is a Registered Student Organization at the University of Chicago. CSA acts in coordination with the staff of Calvert House to put on events throughout the year for the Catholic student community.


The CSA understands the importance of students communing over a warm meal. All undergraduates are welcome to join us weekly on Monday evenings for prayer at 5:45pm and dinner at 6:00pm. All graduate students are welcome to join us bi-weekly on Friday evenings at 7:00pm for dinner. The CSA also hosts an opening of the school year BBQ, a Thanksgiving dinner, a Mardi Gras dinner, a Lenten Fish Fry and Bingo, and a spring BBQ.


Each winter, the CSA sponsors an event where students come together to make fleece blankets for those in need.


The CSA is also responsible for organizing key student retreats. Our Twilight Retreat is an evening retreat (often lasting about three hours) that gives students a chance to pray and reflect on God’s movement in their lives. This retreat is usually offered during Fall Quarter Catholic Student Association. Offered during spring quarter, a Spring Retreat involves traveling off-campus for a weekend to reflect, pray, and grow together.